Profile number 107592
07/09/2024 Date added
Located in
The Netherlands
Type of company
Trading company
Legal entity
Type of transaction
To be determined
Life phase enterprise
Employees in FTE
< 5
Type of buyer
Turnover last financial year
€ 0 - € 100.000
Asking price
€ 0 - € 100.000
Earnings before taxes
€ 0 - € 100.000
On behalf of our client, we are offering for sale a disinfection system for shopping baskets and shopping trolleys that we designed and developed ourselves.
This disinfector unit has proven its efficiency especially during and after the first corona period at well-known supermarkets and DIY stores.
The unit protects the customers and staff and is much easier to use than aerosols and wipes and 100% effective in combination with the disinfectant specifically developed for this system, which can be supplied along with it.
The most efficient disinfection system for shopping trolleys and baskets in the event of epidemic waves recurring.
The supermarket saves very substantially on costs incurred due to manual disinfection by (increasingly scarce and expensive) staff.
For the new owner of the disinfector unit: Very attractive profit margin in combination with the corresponding disinfection fluid.
Client is looking for a party willing to buy or (produce and) sell the rights under licence. Client wishes an appropriate remuneration related to the order of magnitude and nature of application by a buyer.